New Perspectives for Learning

EU-supported educational research 1995-2005


Since 1995, the Directorate-General for Research of the European Commission has supported a significant number of research projects, thematic networks and project clusters that address a wide range of issues of education and training. The total EU contribution to these projects exceeds 50 million Euro. These collaborative endeavours – some of them currently in progress – have produced important insights for policy formulation and have laid the foundations for significant research co-operation across Europe in this field.

This web site is aimed primarily at policy and decision makers in the field of education and training.  Given, however, that education is strongly interconnected with several other areas of social policy, this web site is potentially of interest and relevance to a large number of policy and decision makers beyond the field of education and training;

The web site contains Briefing Papers, Newsletters, Press Releases and a Report highlighting some of the key conclusions and policy recommendations emerging from these activities.

It also provides details of new educational research projects supported by DG-Research under the Sixth EU Framework Programme.


Project Clusters

More than 55 research projects and thematic networks that address directly issues of Education and Training were supported under FP4 and FP5.  In addition to individual projects, five project clusters were supported around themes of policy relevance.  These clusters brought together groups of related projects in a way that drew out and consolidated key findings, produced thematic reviews, promoted synergies between projects and integration/cross-fertilisation of research results from individual projects.

Cluster 1. Education and Labour Market Change: The Dynamics of Education to Work Transitions in Europe

Briefing Paper

Cluster 2. Education, equity and social exclusion

Briefing Paper

Cluster 3. Monitoring and Evaluation of Research in Learning Innovations

Briefing Paper

Cluster 4. Synergy between Practitioners’ needs and opportunities, Research orientations and Decision Making on the usage of ICT in primary and secondary education

Briefing Paper

Cluster 5. Towards the Learning Society: conclusions from FP4 and FP5 projects to shape European policies in education and training

Briefing Paper

Briefing Papers of projects supported under FP4

bp1 – Immigration and Cross-Cultural Teacher Training

bp2 – Student Mobility in Europe

bp3 New Approaches to Work Experience

bp4 Labwork in Science Education

bp5 Quality and Performance in Universities

bp6 Government Policy on Higher Education Institutions

bp7 Innovations in Education and Training

bp8 University Access Policies for Adult Learners

bp9 Assessment, Effectiveness and Innovation

bp10 Higher Education & Graduate Employment in Europe

bp11 Improving Early Literacy for EU Countries

bp12 Training the Long-term Unemployed

bp13 Low Skills: A Problem For Europe

bp14 Helping Unemployed Youths into Work

bp15 Early Learning: The Impact of Environmental Factors

bp16 School to Work Transitions in Europe

bp17 Integrating Immigrant Children into Europe

bp18 Schooling and Training – An Economic Perspective

bp19 Organisational learning: the role of SME clusters

bp20 Lifelong Learning: implications for Universities

bp21Lifelong learning for older workers

bp22 Lifelong learning: the role of human resource development within organisations

bp23 Integrated Funding Models for Lifelong Learning

bp24 Vocational education and training – European Research

bp25 Competence Evaluation and Training for Europe

bp26 Small Business Training and Competitiveness

bp27 A Comprehensive Framework for Effective School Improvement

bp28 Developments towards problem solving assessment tools

bp29 Public funding and Returns on Education

bp30 Learning Environments within Companies

bp31 Computer-supported Collaborative Learning in Primary, Secondary and Vocational Education

bp32 The effect of Educational Expansion on the Labour Market

bp33 Understanding innovation in science teaching

bp34 Virtual Learning Environments for Higher Education

bp35 Education Governance and Social Integration and Exclusion

bp37 Shifting skills and wages

bp38 Migration and its impact on the Labour Market and Education

bp43 The potential of tele-guidance for teacher training

Briefing Papers of projects supported under FP5

bp44 Education & Training for Governance & Active Citizenship in Europe

bp45 Gender and Qualification

bp46 The Education of the Gypsy Childhood in Europe

bp47 Organisational Learning in the Chemical Industry

bp48 Children In Communication About Migration

bp49 The role of language in the mobilisation of ethnic and migrant minorities

bp50 Students as “Journeymen” between communities of Higher Education and Work

bp51 The role of participation and informal learning in the transition of young people to the labour market

bp52 The Impact of Women’s Studies Training on Women’s Employment in Europe

bp53 Legal Framework of New Governance and Modern Policy in Education throughout Europe

bp54 Work Identities in Europe

bp55 Participation in Continuing Vocational education and training: a need for a sustainable employability

bp56 Challenges for education and training policies arising from the European integration and enlargement

bp57 Higher education reform network: a collaborative partnership to explore, disseminate and advise on the university of tomorrow

bp58 The Creation of new occupational patterns for cultural minorities: The Gypsy Case

bp59 Education and Wage Inequality in Europe

bp60 Higher Education Institutions’ Responses to Europeanisation, Internationalisation and Globalisation. Developing International Activities in a Multi-Level Policy Context

bp61 Dual Citizenship, Governance and Education: A Challenge to the European Nation-State

bp62 Learning in Partnership: Responding to the Restructuring of the European Steel and Metal Industry

bp63 Changes in regulation modes and social production of inequalities in education systems

bp64 Engaging People in Active Citizenship in Central and Eastern Europe

Projects supported under FP6

bp65 Biology, health and environmental education for better citizenship

bp66 Intercultural Active Citizenship Education

bp67 Professional Knowledge in Education and Health: restructuring work and life between the state and the citizens in Europe

bp68 The Flexible Professional in the Knowledge Society

bp69 Empowerment of Mental Illness Service Users: lifelong learning, integration and action

bp70 European Universities for Entrepreneurship: their role in the Europe of Knowledge

bp71 Towards a Lifelong Learning Society in Europe: the contribution of the education system

The briefing Papers, newsletters and report were produced with funding from DG-Research under FP5. It was updated (until 31December 2004) in close cooperation with DG-Research and the project coordinators.

Published by pjb Associates